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Oncology Nurse, Clatterbridge Hospital

Posted by Emilienne Rebel on

As a chemotherapy nurse at Clatterbridge, i often speak to new patients about their chemotherapy and the side effects including hair loss. I was planning on dropping you a line last night but it got a bit late, then lo and behold, in my clinic today, there was one of your lovely beanies perched on the head of one of my ladies! She told me she had spoken to you on the phone and that you were very helpful and reassuring (and that the beanie was very comfy!).

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Posted by Emilienne Rebel on

"Hi Emilienne. Just to say thank you so very much for despatching my order so promptly. My slate velvet beanie and flower arrived safely today. I will wear it with pride when I attend my great-grandson’s christening on Sunday.You have really made my day. After many hours of searching for suitable headgear, I am so very glad that I found your website. Best wishes, Jan"

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Alice Pyne BEM -

Posted by Emilienne Rebel on

Alice Pyne BEM -

My Bold Beanie hat is one of my favourite things. I hate bandanas, I hate tying them, they’re usually too hot and sometimes uncomfortable. My beanie hats are soft and light, I can sleep in them and they come in lots of patterns and colours. And soon, they’ll be a few Alice beanies!

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