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Men's Chemo Beanie Hats - Snug, cotton, soft stretchy & breathable

Posted by Emilienne Rebel on

Men's Chemo Beanie Hats - Snug, cotton, soft stretchy & breathable

Men's Cotton Breathable Cancer Hats 

Designed to be silky-soft, snug and comfortable, these breathable cotton stretchy skull caps are the perfect solution to an man looking for temperature controlling headwear, especially over the winter months. 

The ideal skullie for any man suffering the cold or just wanting to cover up from male pattern baldness, general hair thinning, keeping ears warm for outdoor sports to more serious hair loss conditions such as Alopecia or Cancer Chemotherapy treatments.

Bold Beanies has a great selection of plains and Liberty prints to keep men's heads warm. Plain hats can also be customised.

Suitable for wearing day and night, layering under other hats or helmets to keep the scalp sweat free and at an even temperature. 

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Bacon Linked to Breast Cancer...?

Posted by Emilienne Rebel on

Bacon Linked to Breast Cancer...?

"Regularly eating foods like bacon and sausages may raise the risk of breast cancer, according to researchers."

I myself am a vegetarian; I breast fed both my babies; I am not overweight and take regular exercise; have no family history of Breast Cancer and I drink rarely. So articles like this often may me stop and think... why are more younger women getting Breast cancer... is there an environmental trigger? 

"A review of studies found women who ate high levels of processed meat had a 9% increased risk of the cancer compared with those who ate little of it.

The study backs up previous findings of the World Health Organization, which says processed meats cause cancer.

Experts recommend caution about the findings and say the actual risk for individual women is "very small"."

Read more of the BBC New article here:

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A Great Tit

Posted by Emilienne Rebel on

A Great Tit

A friend Sara Hindhaugh has started this beautifully written blog about her journey living with Cancer. Her initial diagnosis and treatment path was similar to mine, but now Sara is facing harsh new realities of secondary cancer. 

"...Two days later I was back in hospital and knew, instinctively, that it wasn’t going to be good news. (I’ve learned over the years that when a nurse walks in with a doctor it’s usually a sign of trouble.) My consultant doesn’t muck about with sharing information, just comes straight out with it. “We’ve got the results of your bone scan – it’s not good. You do have secondaries.” Boom! All the air was sucked out of the room in an instant and every sound was amplified. Very weird. I didn’t cry, at least I don’t think I did. I know I said ‘thank you’ a lot. How British of me. ‘Thank you, thank you so much’, ‘yes, of course, thanks’ WTF? It’s hard to describe the shock of hearing news like that.  I remember thinking it was odd that they didn’t seem bothered with the stuff they’d found on my right breast anymore. I did ask, but I can’t remember what was said. I cracked a sweary joke about it that made my mate Beth laugh out loud and then feel instantly guilty and inappropriate, but we needed that release."

Follow Sara's blog A Great Tit here:

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Happy Birthday to Lotte & Happy 'Chemoversary' to me...

Posted by Emilienne Rebel on

Happy Birthday to Lotte & Happy 'Chemoversary' to me...

October 5th not only marks the beginning of Breast Cancer Awareness Month but my Daughter's Birthday... and the day I had my second Chemotherapy for Stage 4 advanced Breast Cancer. I was aged 31 and my eldest daughter had just turned 4 a few weeks previously and had started school. 

Shortly after these blurry photos were taken, doing my best to smile (and make sure they didn't realise anything was wrong), the nurse arrived to give me my second course of chemotherapy. This led to me losing my hair and eventually deciding to make Bold Beanies when and if I ever felt better... to make fellow Cancer Hair Loss sufferers treatment just a little bit more bearable. 

I'd had a lot of surgery and found it difficult to lift my arms so therefore couldn't really tie a scarf or keep one in place. I hated my wig as it was just so uncomfortable and made me feel even more self conscious than my bald head. This was the days before the great big internet shopping world and I struggled to find headwear that wasn't targeted at older ladies... to fussy and outdated for me. I wore woollen hats which were often too hot and itchy.

Comfy, soft and stylish cancer headwear for younger women diagnosed with Breast Cancer and others who just need to cover up for their family and get on with their day. 

I had my chemotherapy at home. Something I didn't consider very much and just thought practical because my children were so young, but with hindsight I regret as I never had the chance to bond and talk to other chemo patients. I was left to make conversation with a not too sociable nurse for hours on my own and found it a very hard, cold (probably due to the cold drip) and isolating experience... especially knowing the sickness which was about to follow. 

I've made up for the lack of birthday party every year since btw... I make a point of it :) and the highlight of my year! Well apart from Christmas and Halloween and any other holiday in between that I use as an excuse to decorate our home and have fun with my girls :)  

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What's so good about a Bold Beanie...?

Posted by Emilienne Rebel on

What's so good about a Bold Beanie...?

Stylish pretty headwear for younger women going through Breast Cancer. For younger women with chemotherapy hair loss often with young families who need to get on with their busy days and just cover up to feel more confident and look more 'normal'.

One less thing to worry about, you will breathe a sigh of relief.

They are made using luxury Liberty silky soft fabrics with no unnecessary seams or labels to fit snuggly on a sore head. They don't slip around like a scarf and are very comfortable. Temperature controlling cotton natural breathable material make them temperature controlling so no taking on and off as your head gets too hot or cold. great if you need a peaceful nights sleep. 

Bold Beanies Sleep Caps come in two sizes and a wide variety of plain, customisable, colours and a wonderful array of beautiful Liberty prints.

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