Posted by Emilienne Rebel on
Ticking Off Breast Cancer... wish I'd had this site when I was going through my breast cancer.
Such a gentle, informative and nice website to help you through your breast cancer treatments, chemotherapy and radiotherapy and address you questions and concerns as they arise.
Useful information for all stages of your cancer diagnosis from survivors and those that care.
See more at wwwtickingoffbreastcancer.com:
"Being diagnosed with breast cancer is terrifying, scary, horrible, pants, awful….
You may not know which way to turn, and you may be scared to look online for fear of what you may read.
I have put this website together to help you.
With this website I have aimed to provide practical advice for women standing at the edge of the breast cancer precipice not knowing which way to turn (and for their husbands, families and friends who would like to know how to help).
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