6 years on...
Posted by Emilienne Rebel on
Olivia is leaving her primary school this week and it has brought out many emotions for me. So thankful for the happy years and wonderful teachers she has had and content in the knowledge she is ready to move on. Years on however, and this cancer journey I/the girls and I are on together comes to light yet again... so very emotional.
The first week Olivia started at her primary school was the week I started chemotherapy for Stage 3 advanced Breast Cancer. I had been diagnosed several months before and had already undergone many surgeries including a mastectomy and sentinel lymph node clearance. I faced the reality of not seeing my girls grow up and the realisation that they would never really remember me if I did die.
Olivia's Leavers Assembly with Mr Morris
I will be eternally grateful for Mrs Lawrenson and Mrs Richards who upon realising I wasn't able to make to the Christmas Nativity because I would be getting chemo, invited me to the dress rehearsal... the tears rolling down my face as I watched my precious little angel. Simple acts of kindness that have meant so much to me over the years.
Seeing her leave this week the amazing, kind, sincere and confident young lady I am bursting with pride and just so happy and grateful I got to experience this with her. Love you my darling girl xxx
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