HOPE children's book coming soon...
Posted by Emilienne Rebel on
I'm really excited to share my new book HOPE coming out soon.
A story I made up to tell my girls at bedtime and very close to my heart and one I finally finished writing recently and have managed to create a book ready for printing. A major bucket list tick and I can't wait to have the final copies in my hand after many years of planning.
One of the beautiful illustrations is of the mummy ill in bed excited to see her daughter home from school and listen to the news of her amazing discovery. The mother being ill is just a sub context to the main story, but she is wearing a Bold Beanie as I would have done had they been available when I went through my chemotherapy treatment for advanced Breast Cancer. It is only implied that the mother has cancer as I hope that the story can reach out to many children coping with emotions of a sick relative or friend in whatever way.
Keep up to date on publishing dates on various social medias... I'll be sure to keep you posted. Next up 'Dream'.
Check out Hope.Dream.Love on:
I came up with the concept of Bold Beanies one night in bed when my head was cold. I couldn't wear scarves as they would slip and my wig was far to uncomfortable (woollen hats caps to hot and itchy) all I wanted was something soft, comfortable and breathable to keep my head at an even temperature to enable me to get a good nights sleep and also to cover up in a stylish and easy way throughout the day and get on with family life. You can look pretty ill when your hair eyebrows and eyelashes have gone and so I felt important to cover up for my young family. Beautiful Liberty prints were just perfect for the stylish hats I wanted to create.
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