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Signs of Breast Cancer in Men

Posted by Emilienne Rebel on

Breast cancer in men is rare. Around 350 men are diagnosed with the disease each year in the UK compared with over 55,000 women. However, the earlier breast cancer is found, the better the chance of successful treatment, so it’s important to look out for any unusual changes and get them checked by your doctor right away. Around 80 men die from breast cancer in the UK every year.

Signs and symptoms of breast cancer in men
Checking your breast tissue regularly is especially important for men who have a family history of breast cancer or a genetic condition called Klinefelter’s Syndrome. Most breast tissue in men is concentrated in the area directly behind the nipple and the surrounding pigmented area, called the areola. Most – though not all – breast cancers in men appear near the nipple as firm lumps.

Unusual changes to look out for

1. a lump behind or near your nipple, or in your armpit

2: a change in the appearance of your nipple or areola (including change in direction of nipple)

3: nipple discharge or nipple sores (ulcers)

Men and boys can sometimes develop more breast tissue than normal due to a relatively common condition called gynaecomastia. This is not related to breast cancer but can make the detection of a lump during physical examination harder.

If you notice any unusual changes to your breast tissue, check them with your doctor. Your doctor will check your symptoms and may refer you for tests at a hospital clinic if needed.

This is important because if you do have breast cancer, you can begin treatment right away, which gives you the best possible chance of successful treatment.

Breast cancer in men is diagnosed using much the same approach as diagnosis in women, including clinical examination, imaging (a mammogram or ultrasound) and possibly a biopsy.

This information was taken from the Breast Cancer Now website. Please see more information and read Roys Breast Cancer Blog on the Breast Cancer Now website here:

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