What is so special about a Bold Beanie Hat...?
Posted by Emilienne Rebel on
The sheer sense of relief of having a soft comfortable hat that is snug enough to stay in place but not tight at all. One less thing to worry about when life can be difficult and complicated.
Bold Beanies hats are constructed from the highest quality thin stretchy natural cotton breathable Liberty Art Fabrics of London, famous for their beautiful designs and timeless patterns. Limited seams and with the label on the outside, give the wearer the most comfy fit and keep the head at an even temperature. Perfect to wear on their own or layer up under scarves, helmets, hard hats to hijabs. Manufactured in the north of the United Kingdom, Emilienne runs her small business from her office in North Wales making Bold Beanies an eco friendly product with an careful eye on carbon footprint.
The idea for Bold Beanies was born out of necessity when Emilienne Rebel lost her hair at age 31 with chemotherapy treatment for grade 3 advanced breast cancer. Her head felt cold, especially at nigh-time when scarves would slip and woollen hats were itchy and too hot. As a younger person going through cancer she found the hair loss headwear available online too fussy and outdated and craved a simple, snug, breathable, comfortable hat which is easy to put on... but also something stylish and pretty to make her feel feminine again and keep covered up for her young family. She found her wig very uncomfortable and felt more self conscious wearing that head covering than anything else. Loosing her hair she felt very self conscious her whole face looked different having lost not just the hair on her head, but eyebrows and eyelashes too... not to mention puffy and bloated from the steroids.
Bold Beanies hats headwear are available for children, ladies and men suffering from hair loss, hair thinning, alopecia areata or simply just want to cover up and keep ears warm during outdoor sports.
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